Are You Weary of Endless Satsangs?
Video on the subject of the Naam Mantra
My name is Ann Shaw and I am a senior disciple of Sri Ramakant Maharaj. In 2018, Maharaj attained Mahasamadhi, and since then, he has been using me as a vehicle to spread the teachings via books, online satsangs, and initiation with the Naam Mantra.
If you are tired of going round in circles and becoming disillusioned, wondering if Self-Realization is even possible and thinking of giving up the search… Don’t give up! The Naam Mantra will help to remove the obstacles that are blocking your progress. The Naam Mantra is a meditation tool, a vibration, which, when it is repeated again and again, will dissolve the ego and the false layers of worldly conditioning.
In order for you to uncover your true nature, you need to stop identifying with the body-mind and rid yourself of all that you imagine yourself to be, including thoughts, concepts, beliefs and attachments. The Naam Mantra will help undo your conditioning. Once this happens, you will be able to absorb the truth of who you are. And eventually, with practice, your true nature will be established.
The Naam Mantra is not a stand-alone mantra like, say, TM. When you are initiated with the Naam by an authorized teacher, an eternal bond is established between the two of you. And not only that, you become part of a wonderful lineage – the Inchegiri Navnath Sampradaya – the same lineage as Nisargadatta! Jai Guru!